RBC Alumnae Gather in Atlanta

Rockbrook Alumnae Reunion Atlanta
L to R: Carter Page Schondelmayer, Melissa Thurmond, Betsy Smith Appleby, Betsy Rothschild, Sarah Reed Carter, Rachel Paine Fuller, Lucile Page Martin, Ansley Ledyard Callaway

Back on the 29th of January, a few RBC girls got together for a mini-reunion at Lucile Martin’s house in Atlanta, GA. Fifteen or so people were able to make it. Not pictured above: Jennie Lewis, Charlotte Page, Jenny Howard, Maggie Allgood, Mandy Horton, Jill Woodruff King, Haley and Bayless Fleming.

It’s always so great to get together and remember all the happy times we’ve shared at Rockbrook. Sometimes you can’t help but laughing at some of those old photos.

Stay tuned! We’ll let you know when the next Rockbrook Mini Reunion is planned.

Getting the ‘Old Guard’ Together

Camp Old Guard Ladies

Here’s a nice photo of the “Old Guard” taken at Rockbrook’s recent Alumnae Reunion back in August. From left to right, there’s: Lucy Gibson, Brenda Byrne, Elsa Claverie, Madge Kempton, Mary Ellis Carrere Hasseltine, Jo Littleton, Phyllis Shaw and Elizabeth Acree. Years and years of camp experience right there!

“Old Counselors Never Die…”

Several attendees at our Alumnae Reunion this summer requested to go on a hike with the legendary counselor, Phyllis S. She worked at camp from ’59 to ’67.

Campers (that could keep up with her) still remember her spunkiness, funny stories – including one about the “rattlecat” – and her zest for the woods.

She’s an example of how much of an impact counselors can have on their campers. Counselors get to be that person who show campers new worlds and horizons – and if you’re lucky, the campers just might remember your name!

Today, Phyllis is a retired English professor. She loves William Wordsworth’s work, her cat and exploring every peak to be had.


p.s. The title of this blog comes from the song sung when it’s a counselor’s birthday:

“Old counselors never die, never die,
Old counselors never die, they just look that way!”

Teen Camp Adventure

Outdoor adventure has been an integral part of Rockbrook Camp since it’s founding in 1921. Hiking in particular has been, and continues to be, very popular. For our youngest campers to our teen girls, this kind of adventure is truly memorable. Read this quote!

Girl Teen Camp Hiker

“I remember the week of outdoor adventure that grew into the group we warmly called the Extreme Mountain Women and the slightly less well known Kraft Krew. We did everything from kayaking the upper Green River (water fall and all) bushwacking and hiking on several extensive hikes, climbing, mountian biking and other various mountain loving sports. It is without doubt I say that the friendships formed and the things I learned about myself during that week rest firm beneath my feet as one of the strongest stones in the foundation of who I am today. Thank you. I wish every child had the chance to blossom in a place like Rockbrook. To this day I find it hard to get through “Rockbrook Camp Forever” without my heart overflowing with love and gratitude for that magical place in the woods. So I thank you.”

— a Rockbrook alumna, 1989-1999.