Incredible Beauty

It’s one of the most beautiful moments of camp. The setting is certainly beautiful with a bright, glowing campfire in the center and towering trees protecting us all around, with the sounds of crickets and peeping frogs, of falling water in the creek, and the soft singing of traditional camp songs. There’s the smell of woodsmoke, and the fading light of the evening turning everything from blue to grey. Of course, there’s also beauty in the people too— the clean red and white uniforms, freshly braided hair, and the shoulder-to-shoulder closeness as the whole camp attends.

summer camp spirit girls

There’s also an incredible beauty to the emotions of the moment, to the wonderful feeling of being together like this. Here is a special community of caring friends, of people who know each other deeply, having shared countless experiences and relaxed into mutual habits of kindness toward each other. We feel the bittersweetness of loving Rockbrook, yet knowing that our time together is coming to a close for this summer. There are tears and smiles, laughter and sadness, love and joy —all made more poignant as the evening unfolds.

deep summer camp friends

There’s beauty in what’s said as well. After a camp session, gathering like this evokes heartfelt reflections on what camp has meant to each of us. We can’t help but share how we’ve found unexpected friendship, felt completely at home at camp, how we’re now certain we belong at Rockbrook, and how we ache to return to camp life and our camp friends the rest of the year. Camp has encouraged us, supported us when we weren’t sure, and allowed us to connect so profoundly with each other. Together, we’ve sung songs and forged memories we’ll always treasure. Reflecting back, we’ve found a marvelous spirit in it all.

It’s the Spirit Fire, the century-old tradition at Rockbrook where we gather around a campfire for a program of songs, camper and counselor speeches and a candlelight ceremony to mark the end of each session. Tonight’s Spirit fire was indeed beautiful in all these ways.

As each camper shared their memories and thoughts of the session, and as we sang together favorite traditional Rockbrook songs like “In the Heart of a Wooded Mountain,” there was an extraordinary intimacy to the setting. The beauty of the moment was undeniable, almost unbearably emotional, yet somehow perfectly suited to how we all felt after such an amazing camp session. We all realized that we were part of something special, something deep, enduring and important. When Sarah talked about being grateful, it made perfect sense.

We closed by lighting candles from the Spirit Fire. As small flames were passed from person to person, symbolizing how the spirit of Rockbrook is shared, we felt even more connected, both to each other and to something larger than ourselves. We stood lined up around the lake singing softly, the flickering candlelight reflecting off the water. We felt the abiding magic of this special place, of these very special people. It really was beautiful.

Thank you for a wonderful session. It’s been a pleasure beyond what we imagined, and a joy we’ll cherish. Until next summer, be well and grow in the spirit of Rockbrook.

summer camp emotions

Redbird Music Fest!

There’s really nothing quite like a Rockbrook Banquet, the spectacular end-of-session party that celebrates our time together at camp. Every session, the banquet is something everyone looks forward to with building excitement. Leading up to it, there’s chatter about the surprise theme. There are rumors about secret costume choices and decorations that might be involved. The whole camp knows it will be an epic, one-of-a-kind party. It will be something crazy fun, a sensory explosion, even at times an emotional event that we’ll all remember. It’s true; “unforgettable” is often used to describe the banquet.

You may recall the CA (9th grade) campers are the hardworking, creative masterminds behind the banquet. They select a secret theme on the first day of camp and then spend all session preparing for the event by painting decorations, designing costumes, selecting menu items, and choreographing musical dance numbers. Their goal is to transform the dining hall into a unique party scene with lights and colorful decorations like streamers, balloons, table props, and yummy treats.

The real magic of a banquet, though, comes from having your camp friends together for the party. It’s a night to celebrate the fun you’ve shared this session, filled with music, dancing, great party food, fun entertainment, and sweet treats galore.

Anticipation for the banquet builds all day as the CAs decorate the dining hall which has been hidden by sheets hung over the screen windows. Near dinner time, everyone gathers outside dressed in their camp t-shirts. When the moment arrived tonight to begin and we rang the bell, everyone screamed with glee. It also started raining, but all the excitement easily overpowered any discomfort of being a little wet (which is pretty typical of life at camp!)

The CAs started by having everyone crawl along the porch through a tunnel made from extra tables draped in sheets and with fairy lights inside. There wasn’t a clue as to the theme inside. But once they entered the dining hall they were met by some of the most popular musical artists around, people like Taylor Swift, Britney Spears, LanaDel Ray, Zach Bryan, Sabrina Carpenter, Tate McRae, Billie Eilish, and Olivia Rodrigo. That’s because tonight’s banquet was a music festival entitled “Redbird Music Fest!”

The dining hall was decked out with music festival-themed decorations, hundreds of streamers draped from the ceiling, and even a disco ball. They had musical instrument props and funny inflated microphone props as table decorations, colored glasses to wear, souvenir cups, colorful table clothes, and even more fairy lights— all adding to the festival feel.

There were four choreographed dances. Britney Spears started with a skit where her “security guards” (who were the CA counselors) pretended the backup dancers were missing. The lights went out, and suddenly spotlights hit Britney as she performed “Hit Me Baby One More Time.” Everyone loved it.

Next Sabrina Carpenter danced and performed “Please Please Please,” followed by Taylor Swift singing her hit “22.” The final performance was a Zach Bryan dance to the song “Revival” where everyone danced around the dining hall singing along. Between each performance the banquet was a massive dance party with the girls and the counselors jumping and dancing together.

Throughout the night, they served pretzel bites, chicken tenders with waffle fries and cookie dough for dessert. Everyone was thrilled!

As we end every banquet, the whole camp stood and sang “Rockbrook Camp Forever.” Arm-in-arm and filled with emotion, the lyrics “friends true and faithful” really hit home. It was a truly special moment that perfectly captures the spirit of camp. It was the best kind of party, the kind that’s fun but also brought everyone closer together. It’s like camp in that same way.

camp music festival costumes

Special Moments

Here are a few highlights from today at Rockbrook, from the perspective of a Rockbrook alum, occasional camp mom and substitute camp photographer. I was reflecting on Sunday’s chapel where the theme was ‘small gifts’ we receive every day such as friendship, a rainbow, a sweet note, a happy memory, a helping hand or a hug. I was given the gift of being a photographer on this gorgeous day at Rockbrook camp.

When you are carrying a camera around RBC looking for special moments to capture on a memory card, it turns out they’re pretty easy to find. Every time I looked, I found something that made my heart light up with joy. There were so many moments I’ll mention just a few highlights. 

As I was getting my steps in on the way to the barn, I got sidetracked by all of the action that was happening at Garden Art! Garden Art is located literally in the Rockbrook garden, so the campers enjoying this activity are surrounded by all types of gorgeous growing flowers, some fresh fruit and a small flock of chickens just clucking away. One of the chickens was laying an egg in its coop. Several girls were feeding the chickens that were wandering around their fenced yard. So many nature crafts were in progress. I just couldn’t help but stop and take note. The activity leaders were guiding the campers through their choice of a myriad of crafts. One group was making natural dye by smushing bugs and flowers then creating a canvas using their dye, flowers, leaves and more. Others were doing macramé with cotton cord and sticks they had gathered, carefully tying knots to make wall art. Also, the girls had collected rocks of all shapes and sizes and summoned their imagination to paint creative designs in bright colors! I felt so fortunate to wander upon such a peaceful scene!

At horseback riding, a group of Junior Line campers were pampering the miniature horse named Jolene. Jolene lives down by the barn in her own little house. She was sunning in her outdoor enclosure and the girls were having the time of their lives giving that horse a fun ‘hair do”, petting, brushing and pouring all their love into that sweet animal. Not only were the girls enjoying themselves, but that mini horse was spoiled rotten. What a memorable experience for everyone involved. 

I also visited with a group of girls whose needle craft projects were taking shape. It was so refreshing to enjoy the moment while learning a new activity and engage with campers who came to RBC from Massachusetts to Paris, France! I never cease to be impressed by the kindness, confidence, creativity and character these Rockbrook girls radiate. Parents and guardians, you deserve kudos for this generation of young women you are guiding into adulthood. I’ve enjoyed meeting many of them in the past couple of days!

—Betsy Appleby
   Camp Mom, photographer and former camper

north carolina camp friends

A Positive Vision

A few days ago I wrote a piece that described camp as a haven, as a “sanctuary” free from various detrimental forces and challenges common to modern life. I argued that Rockbrook’s goal is to create a special place where kids can escape the pressures of, for example, being too busy, being judged by peers, being inside and online too much, and so on. Creating this haven is our goal because we know that once girls are protected from these various harmful forces, they experience deeply important opportunities to grow in the most joyous ways. Campers develop different instincts and understandings when they find this unique kind of freedom and relief at camp. It’s marvelous to witness.

camp girl playing ukelele

One comment I received about that post was from a parent who said, “I wish we adults could experience that sort of haven too.” I’d have to agree! It would be nice to be outside more, doing more real-world things, taking a break from screens and having more time to pay attention to everything around us. It would be nice to be free of social pressures, prejudices, competition and criticisms. We know it feels good to be physically active, to be creative, and to connect more with other people from a place of kindness. An environment offering all of this would be amazing for everyone!

I just have to ask, “Why don’t we?” Why don’t we put in some effort creating at least hints of camp life the rest of the year? If we know what camp is doing— establishing a haven from various negative forces —can’t we oppose those forces at home and at school too, and thereby realize some of those same benefits? To some extent, I think the answer is yes.

summer camp nature exploration

A few of the ways Rockbrook creates a haven for girls are structural and could be implemented outside of camp. For example, families could be intentional about spending time outside when they can. Parents could make a conscious effort to slow down their family’s schedule, building in “down time” and other opportunities to relax with each other. We could all make an effort to moderate our consumption of news and other forms of media. We could remember to prioritize physical interactions with the world, not exercise or “working out” per say, but rather exercising all our senses among real-world phenomena.

Perhaps the most consequential way Rockbrook is a haven, yet also a way that could be copied at home, is the absence of smartphone use. At camp we all can ditch our phones and happily carry on, but it probably sounds absurd to suggest doing the same at home. After all, ordinarily your phone is your constant companion, always willing to fill your time at the slightest hint of boredom. You might even agree that most of us are on our phones too much, and you too would prefer we instead had more face-to-face communication and other real-world interactions.

camp girl making corn husk doll

Plus, the evidence is staggering how phone use, especially the role played by social media, is doing significant damage to our physical and mental health. Jonathan Haidt’s new book, The Anxious Generation, makes the case for this quite clearly for young people, and Jaron Lanier makes Ten Arguments for Deleting your Social Media Accounts. For both of these authors, there’s unhappiness built right into how we use our phones, plenty of negative consequences, especially for kids.

Of course, putting down our phones is not easy, even if you wanted to. They’re too powerful and too ingrained in our lives, and most importantly, too widespread. If you tried to add restrictions to your teenager’s phone use, the resistance would most likely be epic, the least of which would be her cries, “but all my friends have their phones!” Without some kind of collective or institutional support, the amount of solo effort required to even moderate phone use would likely be too much. By the way, this is one reason Haidt recommends schools be phone-free. Schools have the institutional clout to align opinions on this.

summer camp gaga ball game

This highlights a powerful advantage camp has— we’re a community. We’re foremost a tight-knit group of people who live (eat, play, make) together, who experience so much together, and who recognize that how we treat each other (with kindness, care, generosity, compassion) makes a crucial difference. At camp, whenever we have to do something that challenges us individually, we can count on encouragement and support from those around us. And if there’s something that would be hard to do on our own, we are more capable when we do it together, whether it be tackling cabin chores, braving uncomfortable weather, or severing the tether we have with a smartphone.

It’s this community spirit that anchors Rockbrook as a haven for girls. Being a community with shared values, but also with regular shared time together, makes most of what we do possible. We focus on the people around us, building amazing positive (friendly) relationships with them all, adding in a few structural elements— tech-free, outdoor experience, playful silliness, a relaxed pace, etc. —and almost like magic we have a beautiful haven.

My hope is that Rockbrook can provide a positive vision of what life can be. I think it does for those lucky enough to experience it. I also believe that if we want to extend the lovely benefits of camp, we need to first find (or build) a sense of community. Camp proves how powerful it is to bring people together like this. Meeting that challenge would be a good place to start.

silly summer camp teens

Mix and Mingle

Thinking about tonight’s evening activity, I realized it’s been years since this session has had a chance to experience it. Other sessions have been luckier in the past couple of years, but not our full second session girls. I’m referring to the dance with Camp Carolina. There’s a long history of these camp dances where the boys from CCB and the girls from RBC get together for the evening for dances, but since the 2020 pandemic closures, we’ve been fighting contagious diseases off and on. We’ve scheduled camp dances since then, but things keep popping up that force us to cancel. It might have been pink eye, or strep throat, or some other virus, but it’s been a while when both camps were healthy enough to mix and mingle. For these second session girls, the last camp dance they had was in 2019!

kids summer camp dancing

Needless to say, the screams of excitement where deafening when we announced that we’d be having a dance tonight. We surprised everyone with the news at dinner and explained that we’d be loading up the buses in 20 minutes. Waiting until the last minute like this cuts down on the time we might spend getting ready. Still, it was funny to see the Senior girls sprinting across the hill toward their cabins to try and sneak in a quick shower. The counselors did a great job keeping things silly by dressing in costumes instead of “dressing up.” These camp dances are far from being serious. Even so, the girls had their hair brushed and were somehow able to find clean clothes to wear. The boys looked sharp too.

Long ago we realized that splitting the girls and boys into two simultaneous dances, one for the younger and another for the older children, was a good idea. This way only half of each camp needs to be transported. We drove the older girls over to Camp Carolina and they drove their young boys to Rockbrook. Both dances happened in the gyms at each camp.

teen summer camp dancing

The music at both dances was a mix of familiar pop songs and well-known group dances. Some of these are so popular you can count on them being played, like the “Cha Cha Slide,” and “Cotton-Eyed Joe,” for example. Also, for some reason the techno song “Sandstorm,” from 2001 seems to always appear. We also heard Taylor Swift and ABBA, which isn’t too surprising, as well as “Party Rock” and “Party in the USA.”

The dancing for the younger kids was impressively varied compared to the older girls who mostly jumped up and down with a hand raised in the air. Clustered together, the whole crowd would jump to match the beat of the music. We saw a long conga line at the Rockbrook dance, and plenty of chatting and laughing as each new song came on.

With coolers of water and cookies available to recharge everyone, both dances kept up an impressive pace for more than hour of excited bopping about. Everyone seemed a little surprised how fast the time flew by when we announced it was time for the girls to head back to RBC and the boys back to CCB. We were all a little sweaty by the end, but I think most agreed that the dance was “really fun.” A classic camp evening out.

girls summer camp dance

2nd Session Video Glimpse – Part Three

We’ve got another highlights video!

It’s the latest from Robbie Francis of FrancisFilmworks. Earlier this week, Robbie spent a day filming at camp, and with his careful editing, has again produced a fascinating glimpse into camp life. You’ve seen the photos in our daily online gallery; now see (and hear) camp in action.

At about 2 minutes long, we think you’ll really enjoy watching.

Friendships So True Are Born

“In the heart of a wooded mountain,
Circled by silvery streams,
Is a dear old place called Rockbrook,
The scene of our girlhood dreams.

The rosy mist of the morning,
Veil it anew at dawn,
Like a fairyland of beauty,
Where friendships so true are born.”
true summer camp friends

It’s true that the beauty of camp can be seen in the gorgeous greens of the trees and the sparkle of the cool, crisp lake, but it can also be seen in the true friendships born out of being our authentic selves. At camp, we are encouraged to choose clothes based on how it will allow our bodies to move, shoes designed to support our selected activities, and activities that intrigue us! Our days revolve around activities and out-of-camp trips we have chosen for ourselves, and our friends have done the same. Gone are the facades, societal pressures, and limitations! With each choice, we get closer to figuring out what makes us unique.

And how wonderful it is to see everyone exploring and sharing their interests! As you walk around camp, you will see campers sharing friendship in a myriad of ways. There are often friends on the hill, braiding beads in each other’s hair. Friendship bracelets being made not only in Jewelry Making, but in cabin bunks, on lodge porches, and in Crazy Creeks during down times. Crochet animals made in Curosty and gifted to cabin-mates! And someone is always there to lend a supporting hand or an encouraging cheer! 

These friendships, the ones that have comforted when sad, exalted when celebrated, and supported through uncertainty, are born to last!

“Oh Rockbrook, you have given,
What none can ‘ere destroy,
Ideals to guide our lives by,
And friends to bring us joy.”

—Morgan Boyd
   Camp Mom, former camper and counselor

Undeniable Thrill

If you’ve been to a summer camp in this areas of western North Carolina in, say, the last 50 years or so, there’s a good chance you’ve been to Sliding Rock. It’s that “iconic,” as the kids like to say these days. Tonight, our Middler-age campers and their counselors got their turn to join this long tradition of visiting “Slock” (another example of Rockbrook lingo that combines words)… “Slock is so iconic!” But what is Sliding Rock and why does it continue to be a highlight for so many camp kids?

NC sliding rock camp kids

Sliding Rock is a natural water slide formed by Looking Glass Creek as it flows over a sloping hill of exposed granite. It’s located a short drive from camp along US Highway 276 south of the Blue Ridge Parkway. The creek cascades down about 60 feet over natural mounds and curves in the rock creating small pockets of whitewater along the way. At the bottom is a pool about 6-8 feet deep, providing an ideal splash down area for the ride.

Over the last few years, Sliding Rock has become so popular with the public, the Forest Service has begun charging $5 per person to enter the area during the day. On a typical summer day, the parking area fills, forcing some people to be sadly turned away. Camps, however, hold permits to use the area after hours. We still pay a use fee to do that, but we can bring a big group of girls, our own lifeguards and equipment, and that allows us to ensure a safe and uniquely Rockbrook experience.

sliding rock girls

When we arrived tonight, all 6 buses of excited girls unloaded, dressed in their swimsuits and water shoes, towels clutched tightly or slung over their shoulders. The lifeguards positioned themselves at different points below and a few counselors stood at the top of the rock to help the girls begin their slide. The excitement built as the girls made their way up along the handrail on the side, and soon turned thrilling as they stepped out into the stream and sat down in the water for their turn to slide. Like all of the mountain streams in this part of NC, the temperature of the water is refreshingly chilly. Some describe it as “freezing,” but I think that adds to the fun.

You can imagine, there’s a lot of wide-eyed screaming as the girls pushed off, accelerating down the smooth rock towards the splash landing. As they twisted, spun and sometimes made silly poses while sliding, they were having a great time. Many girls pinched their nose at the last second before the plunge at the bottom. They popped back up out of the water, and the lifeguards helped them scoot back in line for another turn sliding. The thrill of it all was undeniable.

We encourage the girls to slide in pairs, doubling the fun. They hold hands at the top slinging each other a bit as they slide. We also bring lifejackets for the girls who are not strong swimmers on their own. We want to give everyone a chance to slide if they want to.

It’s also great fun to watch pairs of campers slide. Those waiting their turn or watching from the top observation deck cheered on their friends, belting out camp songs, clapping and enjoying the infectious energy of the evening.

Eventually, it became too dark to keep sliding for the night, so we loaded up for out trip back to camp (with a stop at Dolly’s along the way!). Going to Sliding Rock has become a true Rockbrook tradition. It’s so simple, such a classic camp experience, and such guaranteed fun, we love doing it. It’s the kind of experience you remember and cherish your whole life. I think our Middlers tonight would agree!

summer camp girls sliding

It’s a Haven

What are we doing here at Rockbrook? What are our goals? What is our overall purpose? We’re certainly striving to “have fun” (a LOT of fun!), but it’s more than that. Beyond all the different activities, the great food, and our classic mountain camp environment, what is Rockbrook really providing. On a deeper level, what is camp doing for all the girls and staff members who spend their summer here?

Years ago we tried to answer these questions by formulating a mission statement for Rockbrook, something that could summarize our core purpose. We wanted to convey what’s special and important about camp, and at least hint about how camp provides so many valuable life skills for those who experience it. Here’s that statement.

Rockbrook’s mission is to provide a haven for girls, a place of their own, where they can explore the beauty of nature, try new things, enjoy carefree summer living, and make some of their very best friends.

camp archer girl with bullseye
camp teens floating at lake

There’s a lot to be said about this, with each clause of the statement adding to the overall meaning, but we might summarize it by focusing on the word “haven.” We might answer our initial question by saying, “What we’re doing here is creating a haven for girls.” Good, that seems right. But what sort of haven, and why is that important? What makes “haven creating” the core purpose of Rockbrook?

The answer lies in the word “haven” itself. A haven is a place of safety, a refuge from something threatening or negative, like a harbor sheltering a ship from rough seas. Using this analogy, our goal is to make Rockbrook a safe harbor for girls, a place of refuge from the turbulent waters of modern life. We are here to create an intentional community that’s different and separate from certain detrimental forces impacting girls these days.

The idea, of course, is that girls blossom once these harmful forces are removed. I think this is true. In every way that Rockbrook is a haven, the girls here grow in astounding particular ways. That’s the “why,” the outcome, of creating a haven for our girls. They directly benefit from it.

So how is Rockbrook a haven?

1. Haven from Indoor Living: Life at Rockbrook is lived intimately with Nature, outdoors almost all the time. Instead of being shielded from the rich diversity of the natural world, campers learn to embrace its wonder and beauty. There’s a deep restorative power to this.

summer camp girl needlepoint

2. Haven from a Rushed Life: The pace of life at Rockbrook is deliberately slower and more mindful. Campers are not rushed or overly scheduled, allowing them to savor each moment and engage more deeply with everything and everyone around them.

3. Haven from Inactivity and Modern Convenience: In a world that often prioritizes convenience and sedentary lifestyles, Rockbrook encourages physical activity, adventure, and hands-on experiences. It’s a place where campers move and play, discovering the joys of doing.

4. Haven from Information Overload: In a world saturated with information, Rockbrook provides a break from the constant barrage of news and novelty. This allows campers to pay attention to their immediate experiences, fostering connections, creativity and presence.

5. Haven from Competition: Rockbrook is a non-competitive environment where girls can explore their interests and abilities without the pressure of outperforming others. Keeping score is the last thing on our minds. Instead the focus is on personal exploration, kind cooperation, and collective success.

6. Haven from Judgment: Rockbrook celebrates brave attempts, silly creativity, and an openness to try things. Here, girls explore for the fun it unconcerned with what others will say about the outcome. The kindess of this community lifts everyone up.

summer camp climber descending

7. Haven from Technology: This one is huge. Rockbrook is a tech-free environment that dispels the distraction inherent to digital media and its flickering screens. Camp returns us to the textures of real-world activities, the nuance of human interactions and the complexities of truly feeling things. This allows everyone here to be more human and explore what that means.

8. Haven from Prejudice: Rockbrook is committed to inclusivity and acceptance. Our camp values of kindness, respect and compassion encouraging campers to see beyond stereotypes. Meeting so many people at camp helps us appreciate and celebrate diverse backgrounds and perspectives.

9. Haven from Assumed Inferiority: Inspired by its founder Nancy Carrier, Rockbrook challenges the societal assumption that women are variously incapable. Here, girls are empowered to discover their strengths and abilities, fostering a strong sense of self-worth and confidence.

10. Haven from Social Pressures: Rockbrook provides a break from the pressures to conform to certain social expectations. Here, girls can explore their interests freely, while being supported by an enthusiastic community that values them for who they really are.

Understood as a haven in all these ways, it’s easy to see why Rockbrook is a special experience, and how it’s so important for your girls. We all know that ordinary life is chock full of pressures and challenges. Just ask any teenager; they’ll tell you. Camp provides relief from all that. It’s a sanctuary of freedom where girls thrive. Yes, it’s also a lot of fun and girls love it, but it’s wonderful in this important way as well.

camp big rafting splash

Decidedly Pink

What happens if Barbie goes to summer camp? Well, today we found out! It was a day of regular camp activities, but with a decidedly pink twist, as we unveiled a costume theme for the day. Today was Barbie Day!

It’s no surprise that we love to dress up at Rockbrook. We love how dressing in some kind of costume injects a little silliness into whatever we’re doing. When we bring together costume elements— just the right shorts, maybe a wig, and a few props like a hat or goofy glasses for example —we enjoy changing things up and being creative. Dressing up allows us to imagine being another character, taking on their mannerisms and stylings. A theme like this points us all in a certain direction (all things Barbie in this case!) yet at the same time creates enough space for individualized improvisation. When this many people dress up together, it’s phenomenal.

This was another theme that the campers knew about before arriving at camp, so they were prepared! Even when they arrived for breakfast, many campers and staff members were already dressed in their best Barbie pink outfits and fabulous accessories. This might have been pajamas, pink sunglasses, or just a pink t-shirt. As you know, Barbie took on many different professions over the years, and this was true at camp today too. We had a Cowboy Barbie, a Spring Bouquet Barbie, and Astronaut Barbie, a Rockstar Barbie, a 50s Barbie, a Yoga Barbie, and a Publicity Tour Barbie who was distributing autographs all day long.

Everyone became a Barbie of some sort today. All it took was a little pink and a confident, carefree attitude, both of which are ingredients easily found at Rockbrook. Throughout the day we started adding “Hi, Barbie!” to our conversations and greetings as someone passed by. We would also ask, “what Barbie are you?” and wait to hear about her amazing talent. Tennis Barbie, Tetherball Barbie, Movie Star Barbie, Painter Barbie —these are just a few.

It turns out Barbie is a very accomplished equestrienne, a great rock climber, and weaver. She loves to do tricks off the diving board, throw clay on the potter’s wheel, and shoot archery. She’s a very good singer too, especially around so many of her equally fabulous friends. Who knew? Here at Rockbrook, that’s not too surprising. These Barbies are strong!

A bubbling Barbie positivity elevated our whole day. When dinner arrived the campers where excited to find the dining hall decorated with pink tablecloths and flowers. There were Barbie-themed temporary tattoos for everyone, and special pink candy treats on every table. Along with our lasagna, bread, salad and grapes for dinner, the baker made pink lemonade bars for dessert. The Hi-Ups led everyone singing a few songs from the Barbie movie.

A group of our younger Barbies finished up their day by hiking up to the top of Castle Rock to catch a bit of the mountain view before sunset. This is a steep hike up a challenging trail that ends at the rock face above camp. It winds through old mountain laurel and rhododendron bushes eventually breaking out into a fantastic overlook. The girls and their counselors sat carefully on the rock admiring the distant mountains for a few minutes before heading back down to camp before it got too dark.

I was a great day at camp, life in a “dreamworld” we might say, proving again that “we girls can do anything!” True, very true.

summer camp hiking view