The Rockbrook Songbook

singing songs at night
Singing along at Spirit Fire, 2012

Singing is a HUGE part of life at Rockbrook and is something that every camp generation can share.  We hear fabulous stories from our alumnae of camp songs being sung at weddings, college events, in the middle of a restaurant, or even when you run into a friend at the grocery store.  The songs are in a way a history of camp. What is it about those fun camp songs that sticks with you forever?

Because singing is such a big part of camp life at Rockbrook, we are in the process of updating our famous camp songbook.  Over the years some songs drifted out of popularity, while new ones “came into fashion”.  Songs like “Liberty” and “When the Moon Plays Peek A Boo” were very popular in the 60’s while songs like “The Coconut Song” and “Yogi Bear” are a few current hits.  With our new songbook we hope to include ALL of the camp songs from the Rockbrook repertoire.  That is where you come in!  We do not have a songbook from the 20’s-40’s.  If anyone has an old songbook or can send us any information about the songs from the early years of Rockbrook we would SO appreciate your help.

camp songbook
The Rockbrook Songbook, 1970

Now that camp songs are running through your mind, go an listen to our archive of Rockbrook Camp songs!

Nancy Carrier and Peggy the Great Dane

Nancy Carrier's dog Peggy was a beloved addition to camp life
Mrs. Carrier and Peggy on The Rockbrook House lawn

Many campers and staff from the early days of Rockbrook often mention Mrs. Carrier’s dog and sidekick, Peggy.  We were thrilled to find a photograph of Mrs. Carrier and Peggy together so we could “meet” the girls favorite mascot during those early years.  Here is a great excerpt about Peggy, written by a former camper:

“All the campers knew and loved the Great Dane, “Peggy”, who followed Mrs. Carrier wherever she went.  She seemed in her canine way to be part director, for she watched the girls as though responsible for their safety.  She was a harlequin, the bright patches of white over-lapping the black spots, and though her bark was frightening, she had the gentlest of natures.  Seeing her bounce up the hill at the side of Senior Lodge, one knew that Mrs. Carrier could not be far behind and that as long as her mistress stayed in the camp area Peggy would be nearby.”

If you have any Peggy stories you would like to share we would love to hear from you!

Horseback Riding History at Camp

Since the founding of Rockbrook in 1921, Horseback Riding has been a perennial favorite  for many of our campers.  Our program is based on the forward seat style of riding and we have always had horses and instructors to work with all skill levels.  In a Rockbrook catalog from 1926 the Horseback Riding program is a featured activity.  Here is an excerpt:

“A string of well broken horses affords every girl an opportunity to enjoy this wholesome sport.  In an enclosed field each camper is instructed by experts in the arts of horsemanship.  She is taught how to bridle, saddle and mount a horse; how to care for it on trip; how to feed and groom her mount as well as how to ride gracefully and securely.”

Here is another featured comment of the 1926 catalog:

“The horse show of Event Week attracts spectators from the neighboring country and cities and Rockbrook has been referred to as “The Camp where the girls are taught to ride so well.”

The horse show at Rockbrook occurs at the end of each session.
Campers each receive a ribbon during the Rockbrook horse show

So as you can see from the 1920’s or 1970’s up to today, our riding program continues to offer girls a wonderful place to learn the skills and joys of horseback riding.  If you have any great horseback riding stories from your time at camp we would love to hear from you.  We would love to know more about some of the overnight trail rides and any of your favorite horses.  Some of the horses we often hear stories about are Sambo, Peaches, April, Be Good and Druid.  Please help us add to our horseback riding archive!

Visit our website to learn more about our current horseback riding program.

Rockbrook Party in Charlottesville, VA

Rockbrook Camp Alumnae gather in Charlottesville
Sarah, McKenzie, Mercer and Mandy enjoy a visit in VA

During the fall and winter we travel around the country sharing Rockbrook with potential campers, current campers and their families.  We always love it when Rockbrook Alumnae are able to join us at the parties and share their camp memories and stories.

Just a few weeks ago we had a great show in Charlottesville, VA and were thrilled to be joined by McKenzie Harper Inigo and Mercer Reeves.  McKenzie and Mercer were both campers and counselors for many years.  Mandy and Sarah enjoyed getting to catch up with both of them! Those Rockbrook friendships sure are special no matter how many years it has been since you were at camp together!

Rockbrook Memories Book

Rockbrook Camp Memory Book
The inside cover of Rockbrook Memories by Mary Thompson

We have a wonderful book in our camp archives called Rockbrook Memories by Mary Bissell McIver Thompson.  It was published in 1968 and is filled with stories about the early days at camp.  It is fascinating to read all of the stories and realize that Rockbrook has not changed much at all!  There was singing, polar bear, fun activities, skits, a ringing bell and of course fantastic friends.  Sounds familiar doesn’t it?  We hope to reprint this wonderful treasure and have it available for the new generations of campers to enjoy.

Nancy Carrier Signature
Rockbrook Memories Letter