Wouldn’t You Like to be a Counselor too!

Who wouldn’t want to come back for another summer in the heart of a wooded mountain as a Rockbrook Counselor? It’s the place to be. Here is the next installment of familiar staff faces for summer 2011. Stay tuned for even more staff information in the coming weeks!

Amalia Engelberger-The University of the South: Sewanee
Jackie Hancock-University of South Florida
Ashley Lankford-Appalachian State University
Eliza Chamberlain-Florida State University
Coco Street-The Lovett School
Gabby Esposito-Georgia Tech
Eva Jorgensen-Graham-Elon University (alumna)
Margaret Morgan-Charlotte Country Day School
Grayson Randall-Appalachian State University
Jane Pierce-The Corcoran College of Art and Design
Grace Wallace-University of Michigan
Sarah Seaton-Todd-Mentor High School
Paige Salsman-Appalachian State University

Returning Counselors at Granny Bingo
Jane Pierce, Christine Alexander, Michelle Postma and Gabby Esposito heading up Granny BINGO!

Gearing up for 2011 Counselors

Staff Director Sofie has been working around the clock to bring our campers an amazing team of counselors this summer! She has been doing interview after interview to pick out the most fun, talented and spirited gals around. Here is a sneak peek at a few of our returning counselors.

Christine Alexander-George Washington University
Hunter Futch-Millsaps College
Michelle Postma-University of Georgia
Meg Ammons-James Madison University
Michelle Batlle-Stanford University
Haley Hudler-Denison University
Chelsea Bighorn-University of Arizona
Stephanie Brown-University of South Carolina
Maggie Cameron-Wake Forest University
Elizabeth Fowlkes-Auburn University
MacKenzie Collins-College of Charleston
Blaisdell Shaw-Santa Monica College
Chase Nelson-Univeristy of Tennessee

Hunter and Maggie
Camp Counselors Hunter and Maggie enjoying carnival!

Just who will you meet at Rockbrook in 2011? More to come later!

Rockbrook Counselors Attend Slideshows

Our fantastic counselors from summer 2011 have been popping up recently at the camper slideshow parties. It’s such a treat for Mandy and Sarah to visit with them in addition to the campers at the parties. Here are some updates from those visits!

Chase Nelson dropped by the party in Knoxville, TN. She is currently a junior at the University of Tennessee and is contemplating her degree focus. We can’t wait to hear when she chooses her focus, but most importantly, she can’t wait to get back to Rockbrook next summer. It seemed like she is enjoying being a counselor maybe even more so that her days as a camper.

Postma Girls
Michelle Postma with sister Deborah

The next familiar face was Michelle Postma in Atlanta. She drove all the way over from Athens, GA, where she is a sophomore at the University of Georgia. She seems to be super busy with classes. We are excited that she is planning to be back at camp next summer focusing her energy on outdoor adventure trips for our campers. Her wealth of knowledge about orienteering and the trails around camp are invaluable.

Finally, Maggie Cameron dropped by the Winston-Salem party. Maggie worked as a CIT (counselor in training) in 2010 and is very excited to be a full counselor in 2011. She is very busy finishing up her senior year at Mt. Tabor High School. While she isn’t sure where she will be next year for college, she is busy applying and is most excited about Wake Forest and UNC-Chapel Hill. Good Luck Maggie!

Rockbrook counselors are amazing role models to our campers. We would be lost without them and their great experience. We’ll see everyone on the road soon!

2009 Lovely Lineheads

Every age group, or “line,” has a head counselor known as a linehead. This year we have a stellar lineup (pardon the pun ;-))!

messy fun staff women
Christine in the middle

Juniors: This will be Christine Alexander’s 14th year at RBC! She loves to paddle around the lake and share her love for camp with everyone. She is attending George Washington University in DC.

funny messy women staff
Lexie and Katie going all out

Middlers: This will be Katie Cheney’s 5th year at camp. You’ll find her lifeguarding down by the lake this summer during 1st session. She is currently attending Penn State University. Lexie Sears will take over as linehead 2nd and 3rd session after returning from a study abroad trip to Australia. This will be her 9th year at camp! Lexie loves to climb and shoot guns down in riflery.

Smiling Sarah at Dolly''s after a game of Dress-up Bowling during orientation
Smiling Sarah at Dolly”s after a game of Dress-up Bowling during orientation

Seniors: Sarah Thompson joined our staff last year and quickly became an enthusiastic leader. She will be graduating from Emerson College in Massachusetts this May with a degree in Literature. She’ll be heading up the sports activity this year.

Thanks Ladies! Here’s to another great summer!