First Session Video Snapshot

Most people have a hunch about what it’s like to be a kid at summer camp, but when anyone tries to describe life at camp to those who have not experienced it, the picture is dim at best. Even when you ask girls who attend Rockbrook to describe it, they often struggle to convey why they love it. There’s just so much more to it than any verbal account can provide. Likewise, photos don’t fully do it justice. Photos are better perhaps, but what about the emotion? The action, the laughter, and chatter of a vibrant group of kids?

Fortunately, we have some video as well. We’re happy to say Robbie Francis of FrancisFilmworks is again working with us this summer to produce short videos each session.  He came to camp recently and now has his first edited short of 2023 ready for you to see.

Take a look! We love how it captures the feeling of camp this session.

P.S. Be sure to have the volume turned up. Hearing camp is amazing!

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  1. Avatar for lab_rat00
    6 months ago

    session 1 is the best!
