What is the Camp Stable Club?

Rockbrook Girl Riding Camp

“What’s the Rockbrook Stable Club?”

A riding camp for girls should be more than just riding; it should also be learning about horses. That’s why girls who are truly “horse crazy” love Rockbrook’s ground lessons, what we call the “Stable Club.” This is a chance for girls to have “extra time at the barn with their favorite horses and riding staff and to learn skills and take part in activities that a lot of riders don’t learn even at professional riding stables or until they get their own horse (such as polo wrapping, proper first aid, nutrition, etc.),” explains Cara Thompson, the Director of the Rockbrook Camp Equestrian Program. “I’ve not had a rider, (yet!) who hasn’t wanted to learn, and come away from Stable Club without learning something new that they appreciated,” she added. If you really love riding and want to learn more about it, you’ll want to be in the stable club!


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  1. Avatar for monica
    17 years ago

    hey can you bring supplies for the horse??

  2. Avatar for RBC
    17 years ago

    Yes! We have everything you need, but if you have some of your own stuff, you can bring it.
