Meet Mirabelle Buchanan

Future Rockbrook camper Mirabelle Buchanan visits camp
Christy and Mirabelle Buchanan

We were so excited to see former Rockbrook counselor and Junior Line Head extraordinaire Christy Middleton Buchanan when she stopped by the RBC office last week.  She came by to introduce us to her sweet baby girl Mirabelle!  Mirabelle was born July 1, 2010.  She is absolutely adorable and already has been introduced to all of the Rockbrook songs!  We wonder what her favorite song is?

Christy says that she is already counting down the days until Mirabelle can be a Rockbrook camper!  Summer 2018 will be here before you know it!  We will be waiting Mirabelle!

Mirabelle Buchanan Birth Announcement


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  1. Avatar for Lizzie
    14 years ago

    Christy! Mirabelle is adorable and I love her name. Congrats!

  2. Avatar for Noble Nolen
    Noble Nolen
    14 years ago

    so cute
