Horseback Riding Lessons at Camp

horseback riding girl camp lesson

The horseback riding activity at camp is a nice combination of learning, riding, and fun with all things horse and riding related.

With the great instructors and amazing horses down at the Rockbrook Riding Center, you learn so much about taking care of the horses and the operation of the barn (which is no small thing for 26 horses!). In the horseback riding lessons, you ride of course, but you also learn how to improve your riding skills and to become more comfortable on the horse. All of this is great fun, if you’re a little “horse crazy.” But even if horseback riding isn’t your number one thing to do, you’ll still enjoy being down at the barn with your friends, and you’ll learn a bunch too.


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  1. Avatar for Jane
    16 years ago

    Hi, RBC it seems that you enjoy taking horseback riding lessons. Have you ever tried the riding lessons from Woodland Horse Center, Maryland? It’s simply amazing. It offers not just riding lessons, but also various camps and activities. Check out their website to know more about these fun programs.

  2. Camp Riding Program
    15 years ago

    […] Horseback Riding Lessons at Camp […]
