Ready for Camp in 2023

In just a few weeks, Rockbrook will be welcoming girls back to camp for the 2023 summer season! All of us are excited and looking forward to the fun of getting together in the “heart of a wooded mountain.”

We want to share with you our current plans for maintaining the health of our camp community with respect to the coronavirus. Things have improved since last summer, and while there is still a chance that an infection can occur at camp, this summer we plan to treat the coronavirus like other infectious diseases.

We will emphasize the importance of everyone arriving at camp healthy.


Here are the answers to many of the questions we know you have about how camp will run this summer. This is what we know at this time.

Please read through this important information to help you prepare for your session at Rockbrook.

What pre-camp health guidelines will we have?

messy camp fun shaving cream fight

10 days of pre-camp caution:
We ask that each family follow common sense precautions during these few days before camp. Please limit your exposure to anyone outside your household, and with anyone who is feeling sick or has symptoms. We want you to do your best to avoid contracting any communicable disease. Please consider avoiding large gatherings of people (e.g., parties, playdates, weddings, etc.), and unnecessary travel.

Recommended pre-camp COVID-19 Test:
At this time, we are not requiring pre-camp testing, but we still recommend that campers complete a COVID-19 test within 48 hours before arriving at camp. This is particularly important if there has been any recent exposure.

Please contact us immediately if your camper tests positive, is not feeling well, has signs of any illness (i.e., fever, rashes, cough, or vomiting), or is exposed to anything contagious in the days leading up to camp. We will discuss the possibility of late arrival or switching sessions.

Healthy campers = a healthy camp community! Please help us start off on the right foot.

How will Opening Day work?

We will again stagger Opening Day arrival times by grade. This helps us prevent long lines of cars and make the arrival of cabin groups go more smoothly.

happy summer camp young rider

Grade Completed:
K-3rd grade – 8:30am
4th grade – 9:00am
5th grade – 9:30am
6th grade – 10:00am
7th grade – 10:30am
8th grade – 11:00am
9th grade – 11:30am
Hi-Ups – 3:00pm-4:00pm on the prior Saturday.

Horse Camp – 9:00am (all grades)

These arrival times are according to the grade your child has just finished. If you have more than one camper in different grades, please arrive at either assigned time.

Once you arrive at Rockbrook, you will first enter the Rockbrook Horseback Riding Center, located just south of the main camp entrance. This is the same as last year.

This will begin a “drive through” check-in procedure that will include stops for meeting the directors, office staff, and nurses.

After checking in at the riding center, you will then drive into camp through the main entrance to meet your counselors and unload your luggage. This will be the last stop, and will be the time to say your goodbyes.

We know this may be a difficult time for families, but rest assured, our counselors will take extra care helping your daughter get settled into her cabin and begin the fun of meeting her bunk mates. We have found that this drop off method helps children feel more connected to their cabin mates and adjust to camp more quickly.

Don’t worry parents! You’ll be able to tour camp on closing day with your personal tour guide. 🙂

We will distribute pre-ordered camp gear, and do our regular head lice check after parents depart. Camp will launch into action right away!

How will activities work this summer?

Campers will select their individual activity schedules after they have arrived at camp. Every 3 days, there will be a rotation where each camper selects a new set of activities. We will operate our regular daily schedule with its activity periods and blocks of free time.

What about out-of-camp trips?

summer camp rafting thrills

All of our regular out-of-camp outdoor adventure trips will operate normally. Girls will be able to sign up for canoeing trips, whitewater kayaking trips, backpacking and day hiking outings, and rock climbing trips. These trips are optional. When girls choose to go on a trip of some kind, it means they will be skipping their scheduled activities for the duration of the outing. Girls who are 5th grade and older can go whitewater rafting if they choose.

And masks?

More good news! This summer we will not require campers to wear masks. Campers can wear a mask if they choose.

What if my camper feels sick while at camp?

As always, we will do our very best to keep your daughter healthy and safe while at camp, and will be ready to care for her medical needs if she feels ill. If a camper presents symptoms (e.g., fever, cough) that suggest a contagious disease (Flu, Strep, Coronavirus), our medical team may conduct a diagnostic test. They will notify you of the results of any test, as well as discuss treatment plans.

What if my camper tests positive for COVID-19 while at camp?

summer camp girl aiming archery

We will contact you immediately if your camper tests positive. We will ask that you come pick her up as soon as possible (preferably within 24 hours). We are unable to quarantine campers for extended periods of time.

What if someone in my child’s cabin tests positive for having Covid-19?

If we verify that someone in your daughter’s cabin has COVID-19, we will notify you right away of that exposure. Our medical staff will then monitor any exposed campers for signs or symptoms of illness, and perform a rapid antigen test if symptoms do arise.

If we do have a positive COVID-19 case at Rockbrook, we plan to let our greater camp community know as well. Without discussing the specific camper infected, we will identify the cabin group exposed, and any other relevant contact tracing information.

What is your refund policy?

Rockbrook does not offer refunds for campers who arrive late or must leave early from their camp session. For this summer of 2023, we still cannot guarantee anyone attending Rockbrook will not become exposed or infected with the coronavirus.

Wow! That’s a lot!

Yes it is! We are committed to reuniting as a camp community and doing our best to assure everyone is healthy throughout their stay.

This summer Rockbrook will again get girls outside, give them loads of fun activities to try, allow them to laugh and play like kids, and relax with friends in a truly caring and supportive community.

Thank you again for the support and confidence you have shown as we prepare for your daughter’s camp experience. We’re excited to see everyone back at Rockbrook!

If you have questions not covered here, or you need something clarified, please let us know.

camp girls in western north carolina

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  1. Avatar for Bonnie Ward
    Bonnie Ward
    1 year ago

    We have a granddaughter completing 6th grade, this will will be her first time at a camp. Will this be a good fit.
