Camp Counselor Positions

Summer Camp Counselor

It’s not too early to think about next summer! In fact, we’re starting to hire all of our summer camp staff for the coming season— cabin counselors, outdoor trip leaders, horseback riding instructors, even folks to join to kitchen crew. Most positions are open, so head on over to the RBC camp staff page and start filling out the online application.

There are tons of perks to being a camp counselor… more than 101 benefits! If you’ve never been to camp and don’t know what it’s like to work at a summer camp, you’re missing out. But it’s not too late!

Hey, we’re hiring! 🙂

Not sure you are ready to take on a camp counselor job? Don’t worry! If you have an honest love for working with children, are energetic and a little outdoorsy, we will help you learn everything else you’ll need. We have a week-long orientation program for counselors that teaches all the important skills, provides tips and tricks for handling the job requirements, and makes sure everyone at camp is up to speed on how camp works. Sure, it’s a lot of work, but it is the most rewarding an fun work you’ll ever do!


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  1. Avatar for Griffin B.
    Griffin B.
    18 years ago

    Who doesn’t like the counslers? Thier nice fun and they care alot! trust me I know! One night I couldn’t get to sleep so my counsler took me to the dining hall and we talked for ever bout camp, friends family. She craked me up even when it wasn’t sapose to be that funny! I really think the counslers are more than awesome! Take it from me, I was a jounior in 2006 and my name is Griffin.

  2. Avatar for Camille
    17 years ago

    The counselors are AMAZING. durnig camp last year, my mom was getting bacck surgery, and my counselor talked to me, and let me call her to have her tell me everything was OK. The counselors are the beST
