Emily Koehler

Emily Koehler

Hi, I’m Emily Koehler, but all my friends call me Emmy! Ever since I was 7 I have gone to camp for a month over the summer! I went to Rockbrook for the first time when I was 12 and absolutely loved it! The past couple of summers I have decided to solo travel instead, but I missed camp and am so excited to be back in the mountains!! I absolutely love meeting new people, making people laugh, and making life fun and am so excited to be with all of y’all this summer! I also love hiking, listening to rain, reading, singing and dancing, being with friends, traveling, and sooo much more!!! While at camp I am hoping to not only grow myself, but help those around me grow too! See y’all soon!!
– Emmy

Fun Facts

A Surprising Thing About Me

I have been to 27 countries!

Favorite Quote

“When everything seem to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it ....” ― Henry Ford

Favorite Movie

All the Pirates of the Caribbean movies!

With an hour of free time, I like to...

Sing in my kitchen

Sing, Dance, or Both?

I have always loved theater so both!

Last Book I Read?

If He Had Been With Me (it was so sad)

Personal Interests

I absolutely love to sing, hang out with my friends, and my all time favorite... travel!!

Favorite Camp Food

All the muffins or tomato soup!