Abigail Hickok

Abigail Hickok

I’m a history/education major that has lived all over the place! I’ve lived in Texas, Ohio, Washington DC, Virginia, and even Canada, but Hickory, North Carolina is where I call home. My three younger siblings are my favorite (and sometimes least favorite) people and we can always be found making inside jokes that no one else understands.
I grew up going to a camp in rural Kentucky, which became a home away from home. I made a lot of good friends there and had even more fun helping campers make those connections with their peers once I became a counselor myself. When considering career paths, my experience at camp helped me to connect my love for history with my excitement for helping campers grow, leading me to study secondary education too. When I graduate I hope to return to Washington DC to become a social science teacher.

Fun Facts

A Surprising Thing About Me

I interned with the Smithsonian for a semester

Favorite Quote

"Strange things happen all the time, and I think it's right that some of those strange things are good." - Brennan Lee Mulligan

Favorite Movie

Labyrinth (1986)

With an hour of free time, I like to...

Read or write, watch an episode of whatever new show I'm watching, or just hang out with a friend.

Sing, Dance, or Both?


Last Book I Read?

A Thousand Ships by Natalie Haynes

Personal Interests

Everything history, arts & crafts, making playlists/listening to music, riding public transportation, talking to people, cooking, spending time in the sun.

Favorite Camp Food

Any camp dessert!