Rockbrook has an fun sports and games program of activities for its campers. With an emphasis on fun and action, girls at camp can play different ball games, learn target shooting sports, heat up with field sports, and cool off at our unique mountain waterfront. There are seven different sports activities available.

Camp Sports and Game Activities

Tennis Camp Sports Girl
Swimming Sports Girl
Riflery Sports Camp Girl

Archery — Nock your arrow and pull your bow as you shoot archery! It’s one of the oldest sports known, and camp girls learn all about the safety procedures, specialty equipment, and archery shooting techniques at our outdoor target range.

Group Games — Field games and gym sports get the girls at Rockbrook moving! Play basketball, volleyball or a wild game of dodgeball in our gym. Down on our grassy sports field, girls are playing soccer, kickball, Frisbee and badminton.

Tennis — Everyday you’ll find a tennis game, group match, or lesson going on at camp. Practice and play on our shaded rubico clay courts as you learn the fundamentals of tennis, improve your game and have great time hitting with friends.

Gymnastics — Campers enjoy gymnastics as a recreational sport learning essential skills and techniques, improving balance, strength and flexibility, and enjoying fun gymnastic games, acrobatic dances and exercises.

Riflery — Learn how to shoot a real gun! Following important safety protocols, certified instructors introduce basic rifle target shooting techniques, and help girls practice and improve their shot earning NRA qualification awards.

Swimming — It feels great to cool off at the Rockbrook lake. Sign up for swimming time, or come down for a leap from the diving board before lunch. The water slide is a blast, or maybe just grab a tube for a relaxing float.

Yoga — Learn and practice the physical movements and breathing exercises central to hatha yoga. Each pose helps girls increase their flexibility, tone, and relaxation.

Rockbrook girls who are sports enthusiasts have an amazing selection of physical activities to choose from. Each activity is taught by a skilled, and when appropriate, certified instructor who has experience in her specific area. There are two different target shooting ranges (archery and riflery), tennis courts, a full gymnasium with basketball goals and play floor, and our full-sized grassy sports field for team events. The Rockbrook waterfront is always buzzing with activity!

All of the sports activities at our summer camp for girls are open to all ages and skill levels. The instructors can provide challenges (and keep things fun!) appropriate for any skill level.

There’s always a game to play at Rockbrook!